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This role enables the setup and configuration of the firewall and fail2ban using config from code.



This role is designed to be included many times in your playbooks/roles and will only run install tasks once, config tasks as many times as called. With the latter containing an exception, configuring of the firewall, as it's done using a handler. This allows you to include this role many times in your playbooks or subsequent roles. All rules passed to the role on every occasion will be combined with the configuration and placement of rules done at the end of your play. This included reloading them if changed.


When using this role, avoid flushing the handlers as this has the possibility of generating incomplete firewall rules. Allow the handlers to run at the end of the play, as is the default.

Role flow

  1. install firewall
  2. install fail2ban
  3. Add specified firewall rules

Default firewall rules are contained in directory /etc/iptables/ with file names rules.v4 and rules.v6 for IPV4 and IPv6 respectively. This role will create these files automagically. The rules contained in this file are not intended to be reloaded periodically and should only be reloaded if the firewall rules were flushed. The intention of these files is to create the default rules, create chains and set default policy for the firewall. The granting of access through the firewall should be done via the usage of the iptables-reloader script. Any additional firewall rules you would like applied and updated periodically must be added to directories /etc/iptables-reloader/rules.d/.


If you fail to configure any allow rules you will loose remote connectivity as the default has both the INPUT and OUTPUT chains with a policy of DROP

Firewall reloader script is created by this role and is located at /bin/iptables-reloader. Calling sudo iptables-reloader will rebuild the default rules file, /etc/iptables/rules.v4 using the files in directory /etc/iptables-reloader/setup.d. Then all firewall rules located in directory /etc/iptables-reloader/rules.d will be re-applied and without flushing the existing rules. The processing of rules is alphanumerically ordered. If sub-directories exist, the files inside them will also be applied in the same order. If an error occurs during the loading of rules, services netfilter-persistent and fail2ban (if installed) are restarted as this'll recreate the default rules and tables hopefully allowing the access rules to be re-applied.

Any edit to a chain/rule file in directory /etc/iptables-reloader/setup.d on saving run sudo iptables-reloader. The firewall will need to be restarted or reboot the machine for the changes to take affect


This role included a script located at /bin/iptables-reloader and calling it sudo iptables-reloader should fix most issues, with the exception of miss-configuration.


This page forms part of our Project Firewall Ansible Role.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2023-10-25
Date Edited: 2024-03-16


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