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Ansible Projects

This section of the website contains Ansible projects and the details of how to use said projects. Across All of our Ansible projects we standardize as much as possible.

Any playbooks and roles we create are designed with the below ansible setup in mind. Whilst there are many ways ~~to skin a cat~~ setup ansible, If you deviate from below you will be required to test to ensure that if using our playbooks/roles, that they work as intended. If you find that there is a better way of setting up Ansible, raise an issue with your proposal and we'll discuss.

Inventory Setup

The Inventory should be setup under an SCM, git in this case; So that a version history is maintained. This also fosters a full audit trail as part of the complete host lifecycle. Idealy the Inventory along with directories files and templates. should be contained in it's own git repository. Using this method provides that the git history only pertain to the inventory alone, and therefore any install/configuration of a host.


If you must include playbooks and roles wihin your inventory repository it's a good idea that these still be their own repositories with them added to the inventory repository as a git sub-module.

Ansible inventory directory structure.

├── ansible.cfg
├── files
   ├── all
   ├── node1
   ├── k3s-prod
      ├── Ingress-manifest-AWX.yaml
      └── deployment-manifest-test_web_server.yaml
   ├── k3s-testing
       └── deployment-manifest-test_web_server.yaml
├── .inventory_root
├── inventory
   ├── development
      ├── group_vars
         ├── all.yaml
         ├── debian.yaml
      ├── hosts.yaml
      └── host_vars
          ├── laptop2.yaml
          ├── node1.yaml
          ├── node2.yaml
          ├── node3.yaml
          ├── node4.yaml
          └── node5.yaml
   └── production
       ├── group_vars
          ├── all
             ├── main.yaml
             ├── vault.yaml
             └── versions_software.yaml
          ├── awx.yaml
       ├── hosts.yaml
       └── host_vars
           ├── node1.yaml
           ├── k3s-prod
              ├── backup.yaml
              ├── kubernetes.yaml
              ├── main.yaml
              └── vault.yaml
           ├── k3s-testing
               ├── main.yaml
               └── vault.yaml
├── playbooks
   ├── all.yaml
└── templates
    ├── hosts
       └── k3s-prod
           └── HelmChart-manifest-NginX-ingress.yaml
        └── groups
name Type Description
ansible.cfg file Ansible configuration file applicable to this inventory
files directory Contain files that a host may require. Playbook task iterates over by hostname and group name. Sub-directories for hostname / group-name
.inventory_root file This file is used by nfc_common role to determin the root directory of the inventory.
inventory directory Ansible inventory. If multiple inventories exist can use sub folders.
playbooks directory Should be a git submodule. This keeps inventory and playbooks SCM related to each only. file Inventory readme with applicable info.
templates directory This directory is the same as the files directory except contains jinja templates.


Naming of host inventory files is to use the hostname portion of the FQDN only. i.e. for a host with a FQDN of myhostname.domain.tld it's inventory_hostname would be myhostname. This requirement is a must as many parts of our roles and playbooks depend upon this value matching the DNS system.

hosts file

The hosts file host.yaml contains all hosts and by which group they are part of.

Variable Files

Preference for variable files is that there is one file per subject. i.e. for the variables for a keycloak deployment, all be in one variable file, and under a directory matching the host/group name.


For playbook usage in AWX / Ansible Automation platform, the following changes are required to be made to all playbooks:

  • variable nfc_pb_host is used for a template survey variable for a host selector for limiting hosts when running a play.

    Example implementaion

    - name: Desktops and Sub-groups
      hosts: |-
        {%- if 
          nfc_pb_host is defined 
          nfc_pb_host in groups.desktops 
          {{ nfc_pb_host }}
        {%- else -%}
          {{ groups.desktops }}
        {%- endif %}


    The building of the variable is dynamic and must check if the host is part of the group the playbook is for. this ensures that the playbook will only ever run for a host that is part of that group.

  • variable nfc_pb_kubernetes_cluster_name is used for a template survey variable for the dynamic building of the cluster group name.

    Example implementaion

    - name: Kubernetes Group and sub-groups
      hosts:  |-
        {%- if 
          nfc_pb_host is defined 
          nfc_pb_host in groups.kubernetes 
          {{ nfc_pb_host }}
        {%- elseif nfc_pb_kubernetes_cluster_name is defined -%}
          kubernetes_cluster_{{ nfc_pb_kubernetes_cluster_name }}
        {%- else -%}
          {{ groups.kubernetes }}
        {%- endif %}


Templates directory contains only two sub-deirectories groups and hosts under each of these folders are folders by group/host name that contain template files. Preferernece is leaning toards not using the .j2 extension as the IDE may loose functionality by using.

Naming of template files is in format {item-type}-{what-uses}-{friendly name that uses underscores not hyphon}.{file_extension}

Item Type what uses Notes
config bind Configuration file for bind dns server
dnszone bind a bind server DNS zone
{kubernetes kind} manifest A kubernetes manifest

Feature gates

Templates when added to the group folder should be setup with a feature gate. This eanbles simple yaml to be defined to allow the template to deploy.

example of yaml declaration that host/group would read.

  is_prime: false
  monitoring: true
  operator_awx: true
  operator_grafana: true
  operator_prometheus: true
  postgres_cluster: true
  rook_ceph: true

Seting a feature gate on a template is as simple as enclosing the entire contents of the file with a jinja if statement. i.e. {% if path.feature_gates.monitoring | default(false) | bool %}the content here{% endif %}


Playbooks are used for grouping of hosts and/or groups for a task or set of tasks that are required to be run. All playbooks must return artifacts that exist to serve the purpose of having information on the play that can be used in further automations.


The artificates returned are set using the ansible.builtin.set_stats module. Prior to setting these facts with the stats module they must be set as facts first using the ansible.builtin.set_fact module. the latter enables passing of the artifacts via cli and stats from within AWX / Ansible Automation Platform.


When setting the artifacts, ensure per_host=false is set so that artifacts work within AWX / Ansible Automation Platform.

Common artifacts structure. ALL playbooks must set these variables.

# 'nfc_automation', dict. Global Variable, This is set from within the first playbook 
# ran and updated as required with the end time updated by the last playbook.
  error: 0      # Boolean, 0=no Error, 1=Error occured
    start: "{{ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z' | strftime }}"    # String of date time, set at time of setting 'nfc_automation'
    end: 0                                              # String of date time, set when play finished, and updated by subsequent plays
                                                        # Determin end time of play or duration of play when used with start time, even on error.

# 'nfc_task', list. every playbook creates its own task dict to add to this list.
  - name: "glpi"
    start: "{{ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z' | strftime }}"
    tags: "{{ ansible_run_tags }}"

The above must be set from within every playbook regardless of what else is in the playbooks.

example playbook to set artifacts and variables


# Playbook Template
# This playbook template is the base template for All of our playbooks.
# No Fuss Computing <>
# Requirements:
#   - ansible >= 2.8

- name: Playbook Template
  hosts: localhost
  become: false


      # Play and task set time
    - name: Set Start Time
        nfc_task_starttime: "{{ ('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z' | strftime) | string }}"
      no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
        - always

    # Setup dictionary 'nfc_automation'
    - name: Set Automation Facts
        nfc_automation: {
          "time": {
            "start": "{{ nfc_task_starttime | string }}",
            "end": 0
      no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
      when: nfc_automation is not defined
        - always

    # Setup dictionary 'nfc_task'
    - name: Set Automation Facts
        nfc_task: {
          "name": "{{ ansible_play_name | lower | string }}",
          "error": 0,
          "roles": "{{ ansible_play_role_names | string }}",
          "skip_tags": "{{ ansible_skip_tags | list }}",
          "start": "{{ nfc_task_starttime | string }}",
          "tags": "{{ ansible_run_tags | list }}"
      no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
        - always

    - name: Block - pre_tasks

        # Your tasks here


          # there was an error, set error object
        - name: Set error fact
            nfc_task: "{{ nfc_task | combine({
                'error': 1
              }) }}"
          no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
            - always


          # Check if error occured and fail task
        - name: Error Check
              - nfc_task.error | int == 0
            msg: Error occured, Fail the play run
            - always

    # Don't use the 'roles' section.
  roles: []
    # if the included role(s) do not contain a rescue block, the playbook may stop
    # executing in this section (roles) with the post_tasks not running. This will
    # cause the artifacts to be incomplete. It's recommended to include your roles
    # in section(s) 'pre_tasks', 'tasks' or 'post_tasks' and from within a block with
   # rescue so that the playbook can complete and ensure that all artifacts are set.


    - name: Block - tasks

          # Check for error and fail play on error
        - name: Error Check
              - nfc_task.error | int == 0
            msg: Error eccured, follow error path to fail play

        # Your tasks here


          # there was an error, set error object
        - name: Set error fact
            nfc_task: "{{ nfc_task | combine({
                'error': 1
              }) }}"
          no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
            - always


          # Check if error occured and fail task
        - name: Error Check
              - nfc_task.error | int == 0
            msg: Error occured, Fail the play run
            - always


    - name: Tasks post_task

          # Check for error and fail play on error
        - name: Error Check
              - nfc_task.error | int == 0
            msg: Error occured, follow error path to fail play
            - always

        # Your tasks here


          # there was an error, set error object
        - name: Set error fact
            nfc_task: "{{ nfc_task | combine({
                'error': 1
              }) }}"
          no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
            - always


          # Task and automation end time.
        - name: Fetch End time
            nfc_task_endtime: "{{ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z' | strftime }}"
          no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
            - always

          # Set task end time
        - name: Set task Facts
            nfc_tasks: "{{ nfc_tasks | default([]) + [ nfc_task | combine({
                'end': nfc_task_endtime | string
              }) ] }}"
          no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
            - always

          # Set Automation end time.
          # every playbook must set this variable so that the end time
          # is equal to the fail time or the end of a group of playbooks.
        - name: Set automation end time
            nfc_automation: "{{ nfc_automation | combine({
                'time': nfc_automation.time | combine({
                  'end': nfc_task_endtime | string
              }) }}"
            nfc_task_endtime: null
          no_log: "{{ nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts | default(true) | bool }}"
            - always

          # Set the artifacts as a fact for subsequent playbook useage
          # Note: variable 'per_host' must be 'false' so that the artifacts
          # work within AWX / Ansible Automation Platform.
        - name: Create Automation Artifact
              nfc_automation: "{{ nfc_automation }}"
              nfc_tasks: "{{ nfc_tasks }}"
            per_host: false
            - always

          # Final error check to fail the entire play run on error
        - name: Error Check
              - nfc_task.error | int == 0
            msg: Error occured, Fail the play run
            - always

  vars: {}

The above template playbook is designed for post automation should it be required to run. nfc_automation is for the entire play/workflow with nfc_tasks being a list of nfc_task dictionary from each playbook. nfc_task is there for you to add your own artifacts to and without any additional effort from you, will be added to the global artifacts.

Playbook Variables

Within any playbook that we create any variable that is set within the playbook is to be prefixed with nfc_pb_. Currently we have the following variables that are reserved and set as part of how we structure our playbooks.

  • nfc_automation Details on the play/run. see artifacts above for details.

  • nfc_pb_no_log_setup_facts Boolean value used as a feature gate on whether to log set_fact tasks that are for setting up the play. i.e. artifacts. setting this value to false will caused the tasks to be logged.

  • nfc_tasks List of all nfc_task dictionaries of the play. see artifacts above for details.

AWX / Tower / Automation Platform

Prime host

If you use a system like AWX / Tower / Automation Platform the inventory should be designed in a way that you have a prime host. The prime host is a single host that once it exists, it's capable of rebuilding all of the infrastructure within the inventory. Using the prime host method, you only require the variable secrets (vault encrypted) of the prime host and only those pertinent to rebuilding the prime host. This should only be the backup decryption key (vault encrypted).


Prime Host requires that the backup decryption key be updated within the inventory whenever it changes. There is also a requirement that the vault encryption key be available and not stored on infrastructure that without or that infrastructure not existing you cant access the vault key. i.e. password manager.


  • Explain usage of file .inventory_root which must exist as nfc_common (todo: see kubernetes playbook/master) may no longer be required a project structure is known along with using variable playbook_dir


This page forms part of our Project Website.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2023-06-01
Date Edited: 2024-01-09


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