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Git repository management from code

This Ansible role has been designed to enable you to place git related settings as infrastructure as code. Usage is designed to establish and maintain Gitlab and Github repositories for their lifecycle. Running this role with the required variables, will conduct every task within the role. to filter to either Gitlab or Github, use ansible with --tags gitlab or github respectively. this role, even with the use of tags is designed to run again and again, as if there are no changes, nothing will be changed.


When using our Ansible Execution Environment Docker Container nofusscomputing/ansible-ee this role is included as part of that containers build. This role is also included in our Ansible Roles git repository.


Regardless of the repository type Gitlab/Github, the features are intended to use a common configuration layout with the role designed to interperate this to each different system.

Common to both Gitlab/Github

  • Automations:

    • Repository Management

      Create a repository and Adjust its settings

Gitlab features

  • Automations:

    • Git submodule update - Update a repositories git submodule (Github planned)

    • Merge Request from git patches found within an issue comment(s)

      Searches issues within the specified project for any patch files and creates a Merge Request if the patch poster has developer or higher access to the project

    • Pipeline Cleanup (under development)

      Remove pipelines if they are not part of eith the master or development branch

  • Label management at project and group level

  • Topics management - Currently only for Gitlab, Github planned

  • AWX Webhook Artifacts

    By using tag gitlab_webhook from an AWX / Ansible Automation Platform template and setting up the incoming webhook, this will receive the data from the webhook and save it as an artifact for further automations.


Items within this list are here as a possible, actual, under deveopment or planned features:

  • Avatar management for repository - (currently only supporting adding on repository creation)

  • Cross-platform Development from Github to Gitlab

    Automation that from a PR created on Github, creates a Gitlab MR from the PR patch, and if the pipeline suceeds merge it

  • Gitlab runner management - Planned feature GL-#3

  • Protected tags management- Planned feature GL-#2

  • Scheduled pipeline management - Planned feature GL-#9

Automation File

Some of the tasks within this role can be run from within the Gitlab CD/CI environment. For the configuration of such tasks, an automation file .nfc_automation.yaml is required in the root directory of the repository. The layout of this file is the same as an ansible vars file, however under a single key and formatted as a yaml of dictionaries/lists. Throughout the documentation you will find the required structure of this yaml, specifically if the automation/task can be run from Gitlab. see Gitlab config documentation.

Role Default Variables

This file is the default variables for any that can be used for a task.

temp_repo_creation_directory: /tmp/ansible/repo
default_branch: development

# Gitlab: labels
group_labels: []
project_labels: []

gitlab_issues_notes_patches: []
gitlab_issue_patch_files: []
gitlab_issue_notes_existing: []
gitlab_issues_related_merge_requests: []

gitlab_merge_request_title: ''
gitlab_merge_request_description: ''
merge_requests: []
merge_request_assign_user: "@nfc_bot" # must include '@' in front of names and space seperate multiple users
merge_request_labels: '~"code review::not started"'

# See for role levels
patch_file_minimum_access_level: 30 # No access (0), Minimal access (5) (Introduced in GitLab 13.5.), Guest (10), Reporter (20), Developer (30), Maintainer (40), Owner (50).


This page forms part of our Project Git Configuration.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2023-05-26
Date Edited: 2023-12-11


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ToDo: Add the page list of contributors