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Release Notes

This document details any changes that have occured that may impact users of this role. It's a rolling document and will be amended from time to time.

Changes with an impact

  • 13 Mar 2024 Container Images now a dictionary. This role has two images kubevirt_operator and tigera_operator.

    • All Images are stored in dictionary nfc_role_kubernetes_container_images with each image using its own dictionary with mandatory keys registry, image and tag. This change has been made to cater for those whom store their images within their inventory as a dict of dict. For instance to use your inventory image declare variable nfc_role_kubernetes_container_images.kubevirt_operator: my_images.my_kubevirt_dict as an example.

    • A lot of variables have been updated. To view what has changed, please see defaults/main.yaml in MR !35

  • 31 Jan 2024 Calico CNI deployment has been migrated to use the calico operator.

    • All new cluster installations will be deployed with the operator

      • Existing deployments will be required to run a deployment with job tag operator_migrate_calico to migrate their deployment to the operator

      • if an issue occurs with the migration it can be rolled back by kubectl delete -f for all manifests in the /var/lib/rancher/k3s/ansible directory and redeploying with job tag calico_manifest. This re-deploys calico using the current manifest.

      • This tag will be removed in the future at no set date.

    • ServiceLB / klipperLB no longer deploys by default and to deploy it variable nfc_kubernetes_enable_servicelb must be set true


This page forms part of our Project Kubernetes Ansible Collection.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-01-31
Date Edited: 2024-03-13


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