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New Appliance

An Appliance is generally a self-contained device that does one purpose. GLPI provides in its library these items so they are trackable. Within No Fuss Computing we use appliances to track services we have deployed. This runbook provides the steps required to add an appliance to GLPI.


  1. Login to GLPI

  2. Ensure you are within the same entity the appliance will be created in

  3. Navigate to Management -> Appliances

  4. Click the blue + Add at the top of the screen

  5. As a minimum fill in the following fields

    • Name - The name for the Service

    • Associable to a Ticket: Yes

    • Appliance types

      • Web Application - An application that is accessed via a web browser
    • Technician in Charge of the Hardware or Group in Charge of the Hardware - This is the person or group who will be responsible for the item


      ALL Items within the ITIL must have a responsible person.


      We generally select the Site administrators group for prime services

    • Groups - The users group that use the service

    • Sub-Entities Select Yes for prime Service


      Not selecting yes for a prime service will prevent non-prime sites from associating the appliance to a ticket

  6. Save the appliance

  7. Navigate to Appliance -> Items

    1. Add the software to the appliance

    2. If deployed to a cluster, add the Cluster.


This page is part of our Project ITIL Runbooks.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2024-02-09
Date Edited: 2024-02-09


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