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Patch Task file

This Ansible task file is responsible for removing any existing patch file, downloading a patch file, switching to a specified branch, checking if the patch is required, and applying the patch.

Task 1: Remove Existing Patch File

  • Name: Remove any existing patch file

  • Description: Removes any existing patch file from the /tmp directory.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.file

  • Arguments:

  • path: The path of the patch file to remove.

  • state: Specifies the desired state of the patch file, which is "absent" to remove it.

  • Conditional: The task is only executed when the patch_url_download variable is defined and git_patch_filename is not empty.

  • Tags:

  • git

  • git_patch

  • git_patch_download

Task 2: Download Patch

  • Name: Download Patch

  • Description: Downloads the patch file from the specified URL.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.uri

  • Arguments:

  • url: The URL of the patch file to download.

  • method: The HTTP method for the download request (GET).

  • status_code: The expected status code indicating a successful download (200).

  • headers: The headers to include in the request, including the PRIVATE-TOKEN for GitLab authentication.

  • dest: The destination path where the patch file will be saved.

  • Registers: git_patch_download

  • Conditional: The task is only executed when the patch_url_download variable is defined and git_patch_filename is not empty.

  • Tags:

  • git

  • git_patch

  • git_patch_download

Task 3: Switch to Branch

  • Name: Switch to branch {{ git_branch_name }}

  • Description: Switches to the specified branch in the Git repository.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.command

  • Arguments:

  • cmd: The Git command to execute for switching branches.

  • chdir: The directory where the Git repository is located.

  • Registers: git_patch_apply_branch_switch

  • Conditional: The task is only executed when git_patch_filename and git_branch_name are not empty.

  • Tags:

  • git

  • git_patch

  • git_patch_apply

Task 4: Check if Patch is Required

  • Name: Check if Patch {{ git_patch_filename }} required

  • Description: Checks if the patch is required by applying a dry run and checking the return code.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.command

  • Arguments:

  • cmd: The Git command to check if the patch is required.

  • chdir: The directory where the Git repository is located.

  • Registers: git_patch_apply_applicable

  • Conditional: The task is only executed when git_patch_filename and git_branch_name are not empty.

  • Tags:

  • git

  • git_patch

  • git_patch_apply

Task 5: Apply Patch

  • Name: Apply Patch {{ git_patch_filename }}

  • Description: Applies the patch to the Git repository.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.command

  • Arguments:

  • cmd: The Git command to apply the patch.

  • chdir: The directory where the Git repository is located.

  • Registers: git_patch_apply

  • Conditional: The task is only executed when the patch is applicable (git_patch_apply_applicable.rc is 0), git_patch_filename and git_branch_name are not empty.

  • Tags:

  • git

  • git_patch

  • git_patch_apply

Task 6: Clear Task Variables

  • Name: Clear task variables

  • Description: Resets the task-specific variables to their default values.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.set_fact

  • Arguments:

  • task_git_patch_download: Sets the task_git_patch_download variable to false.

  • task_git_patch_apply: Sets the task_git_patch_apply variable to false.

  • git_patch_filename: Resets the git_patch_filename variable.

  • git_branch_name: Resets the git_branch_name variable.

  • Tags: None


The following variables can be customized in this task file:

patch_url_download: "URL_OF_PATCH_FILE"
gitlab_api_token: "GITLAB_API_TOKEN"
git_patch_filename: "PATCH_FILENAME"
git_branch_name: "BRANCH_NAME"
  • patch_url_download: The URL of the patch file to download.
  • gitlab_api_token: The API token for GitLab authentication.
  • git_patch_filename: The filename of the patch file.
  • git_branch_name: The name of the Git branch.


The tasks in this task file are tagged with the following tags:

  • git

  • git_patch

  • git_patch_download

  • git_patch_apply


To use this task file, include it in your Ansible playbook or task list. Customize the variables and modify the placeholder tasks as needed.

- name: Apply Git Patch
  hosts: your_hosts
    - name: Include Git Patch Tasks
        file: git/patch.yaml

Make sure to set the necessary variables (patch_url_download, gitlab_api_token, git_patch_filename, git_branch_name) according to your environment before running the playbook.


This page forms part of our Project Git Configuration.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2023-06-18
Date Edited: 2023-12-11


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ToDo: Add the page list of contributors