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Members Task file

This Ansible task file performs actions related to fetching and displaying GitLab project members. It includes tasks to set the GitLab members URL, fetch all project members, clean up the fetched data, and display the found project members. Additionally, there is a task to clear task-related variables.

Task: build URL

  • Name: build URL

  • Description: Set the GitLab members URL based on the server URL and project path.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.set_fact

  • Arguments:

  • gitlab_members_url: The URL to fetch project members from the GitLab API.

  • Conditional: The task is executed when the project_path variable is defined.

  • Tags: None

Task: Fetch All Project Members

  • Name: Fetch All Project Members

  • Description: Fetches all the project members from a GitLab project by making an API request.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.uri

  • Arguments:

  • url: The URL to fetch project members from the GitLab API.

  • method: GET

  • body_format: json

  • status_code: [200, 201]

  • return_content: true

  • headers: Includes the PRIVATE-TOKEN header with the GitLab API token.

  • Registers: gitlab_members_fetch_all

  • Conditional: The task is executed when the project_path variable is defined.

  • Tags:

  • gitlab

  • gitlab_members

  • gitlab_members_fetch

  • gitlab_members_fetch_all

Task: Fact gitlab_members_fetch_all clean

  • Name: Fact gitlab_members_fetch_all clean

  • Description: Cleans up the gitlab_members_fetch_all variable by parsing it as YAML.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.set_fact

  • Arguments:

  • gitlab_members_fetch_all: The gitlab_members_fetch_all.json variable parsed as YAML.

  • Conditional: The task is executed when the length of gitlab_members_fetch_all.json is greater than 0.

  • Tags: None

Task: Display found Project Members

  • Name: Display found Project Members

  • Description: Displays the contents of the gitlab_members_fetch_all variable.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.debug

  • Arguments:

  • msg: The value of gitlab_members_fetch_all.

  • Conditional: The task is executed when the task_gitlab_members_fetch_all variable is true.

  • Tags: None

Task: Clear task variables

  • Name: Clear task variables

  • Description: Resets the values of task_gitlab_members_fetch_all and gitlab_members_url variables.

  • Module: ansible.builtin.set_fact

  • Arguments:

  • task_gitlab_members_fetch_all: false

  • gitlab_members_url: ''

  • Tags: None


The following variables can be customized in this task file:

gitlab_server_url: ""
project_path: "your_project"
gitlab_api_token: "your_token"
  • gitlab_server_url: The base URL of your GitLab server.
  • project_path: The path of the GitLab project.
  • gitlab_api_token: The API token for authenticating with the GitLab API.


The tasks in this task file are tagged with the following tags:

  • gitlab

  • gitlab_members

  • gitlab_members_fetch

  • gitlab_members_fetch_all


To use this Ansible task file, you can include it in your playbook or role and provide values for the required variables. Here's an example of how you can use this task file:

  1. Create a playbook (e.g., your_playbook.yaml) and define the necessary variables:

- hosts: your_hosts
    gitlab_server_url: ""
    project_path: "your_project"
    gitlab_api_token: "your_token"

    - include_tasks: gitlab/members.yaml
  1. Create a separate file for the task file (e.g., task_file.yaml) and copy the content of the task file into it.

  2. Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook your_playbook.yaml

Make sure to replace the placeholder values (gitlab_server_url, project_path, gitlab_api_token) with the appropriate values for your setup.

Note: You may need to adjust the playbook structure and additional tasks based on your specific requirements and the tasks you want to execute.


This page forms part of our Project Git Configuration.

Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit here
Date Created: 2023-06-18
Date Edited: 2023-12-11


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ToDo: Add the page list of contributors