gitlab: # Mandatory if you wish to manage Gitlab Configuration
api_token_owner: # Mandatory, Gitlab API Key with project/group access as the owner
api_token: # Mandatory, Gitlab API key for developer access
auto_merge: true # Optional, default=false # used in .nfc_automation.yaml
default_branch: development # Optional, default=development # used in .nfc_automation.yaml
patch_labels: '~"code review::not started"' # Mandatory for patches automation # used in .nfc_automation.yaml
mr_labels: ~"type::automation" ~"impact::0" ~"priority::0" # Optional, default=none # used in .nfc_automation.yaml
submodule_branch: "development" # Optional, default=development # used in .nfc_automation.yaml
groups: # Optional, manage these groups
- name: No Fuss Computing # Mandatory, human readable name of the group
path: nofusscomputing # Optional, the path the group will be under
labels: # Optional, all fields Mandatory
- name: "label2"
color: "#00FF00"
description: "This is label 2"
state: present # Optional. default present
projects: # This key will be removed in the future in favour of `repositories`
- name: "Ansible Playbooks"
labels: # Optional, all fields Mandatory
- name: "label20"
color: "#00FF00"
description: "This is label 2"
state: absent # Optional. default present
group: nofusscomputing/projects/ansible
- api_url: "" # This key will be removed in the future
api_token_owner: # This key will be removed in the future
api_token: # This key will be removed in the future
projects: # This key will be removed in the future, with the projects list moving under `repositories`
- name: "Ansible Playbooks" # Mandatory, the human readable name of the repository
path: ansible_playbooks # Optional, default is derived from name in lowercase and spaces replaced with `_`
labels: # Optional, all fields Mandatory
- name: "label20"
color: "#00FF00"
description: "This is label 2"
state: present # Optional. default present
avatar: # Optional, the url to the avatar
branches: # Optional, if not specified, won't create branches
- name: master
merge_access_levels: "maintainer" # Optional, default=maintainer
push_access_level: "maintainer" # Optional, default=none
- name: development
merge_access_levels: "developer" # Optional, default=maintainer
push_access_level: "maintainer" # Optional, default=none
ref_branch: master # Optional, default master
builds_access_level: enabled # Optional, default disabled
container_registry_access_level: enabled # Optional, default disabled
description: "Ansible Playbooks" # Optional, default is blank
environments_access_level: enabled # Optional, default disabled
security_and_compliance_access_level: enabled # Optional, default disabled
packages_enabled: false # Optional, default false
group: nofusscomputing/projects/ansible # Mandatory, where the project belongs
licence: # Optional, default is blank
name: 'mit' # optional, [mit, apache-2.0] default 'Copyright All Rights Reserved'
releases_access_level: enabled # Optional, default disabled
topics: # Optional, default=none
- Ansible
- "Ansible Tower"
- Automation
- Playbooks
visibility: public # Optional, default=private
pages_access_level: public # Optional, default disabled
readme: # Optional, default is blank
title: "the readme title" # Mandatory
manage: true
auto_merge: true # optional, default=false
status: active
badges: true
mirror: # Optional, all fields Mandatory
provider: github
path: NofussComputing/ansible_playbooks
web_url: url to the github repo